Global Sect 2024 year in Review and Future Plans

Friends, in this post we will sum up the past year and tell you about our future plans.
Continue reading Global Sect 2024 year in Review and Future PlansIf you have any questions and would like to receive a discount on your first order, do not hesitate to write to us by e-mail:
We will promptly respond and advise on any questions!
Friends, in this post we will sum up the past year and tell you about our future plans.
Continue reading Global Sect 2024 year in Review and Future PlansRecently we have been uploading unreleased tracks (wav), which are available for any tier.
Continue reading 9 unreleased tracks for 1$. Patreon updatesCompiled by DJ Adept, DJane Hisui, DJ Masala.
Cosmonauts, the last year was unusually difficult for a huge number of people around the world. We see, on this background, the instinct of survival was activated in us, and we decided to maximally lay out in the creation of releases.
Continue reading Global Sect 2023 summary and future plansBehind AZRANA stands a twin duo from Belgrade, Serbia.
Their aligned life experiences firmed their naturally given and nurtured creative energy.
Both are multi-media artists who fruited diverse projects throughout the years of channeling their exquisite taste in art. All of their art in textile manipulation, tattooing and graphic design is sourced and underlined with a lifelong obsession with music.
Continue reading AZRANADJ Adept together with two DJs from Japan ( DJ 翡翠-Hisui – Goa Trance & Dj.Masala Goa Trance) are actively working on a 5CD compilation. The test name for this epic project VA “Nirvana”, but the concept may change in the course of creative work.
Continue reading Epic news! VA Nirvana (5CD)FIDELIAS is a Goatrance DJ project of Markus Fock (born in 1989) from Hamburg, Germany. Many years ago, at the age of 15, he had his first experience with trance music – to mention one of many clubs in the legendary “Tunnel Club.” His introduction to Psychedelic trance music began in 2007 at the famous VOOV festival. He quickly realized for himself the passion and magnetism to the real Goatrance, Old school, and Acid trance, as well as Neogoatrance.
Continue reading DJ FIDELIASBefore She knew goa-trance She was already influenced by the Deep and Minimal Techno music.
Hisui passed through the gates of Goa trance in 2022, and She already became an Old school, Acid, and Hard Techno DJ in 2011!
Casper aka Henrique Gaspar is a Portuguese Goa enthusiast. He has had a close relationship with music since his earliest memories. His musical background goes all the way from funk, rock, reggae, and jazz to techno, drum and bass, and trance (basically driving acid music).
UTOPIA Promo [ Tyumen ] / Global Sect
Lidia got interested in DJing relatively recently, starting to study it with Liquid Drum’n’Bass and Synthwave. And while she was honing her skill, she was suddenly and imperceptibly absorbed by Psytrance music.
Continue reading DJane Deadxviolence